close-up of the Streicher Kanalsysteme EF200
Be part of it
user conference 24th October 2024

Streicher operator's meeting 24 Oct 2024

On 24 October 2024, after two years, the user meeting will take place again at our premises in Kressbronn. The event is particularly suitable for our customers and users who work closely with our robot systems on the construction site on a daily basis.

We have prepared an exciting programme for you:

  1. live demonstrations: Product presentations with our milling robots will take place all day on the open-air site together with partner exhibitors (Fluvius GmbH, JT-elektronik GmbH, BRAVO SYSTEMS GmbH, Th. Scholten GmbH & CO. KG, Wiedemann enviro tec GmbH).
  2. repair training: special training modules that expand and deepen your skills in repairing our products.
  3. new developments/further developments: Insights into the latest developments and innovations from Streicher to keep you up to date.
  4. networking opportunities: You will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other companies in the industry, share experiences and make valuable contacts.

Register by 30 August!

Registration (PDF)

Programme (PDF)

We have made a room contingent available for you at the neighbouring hotels at the prices listed below. If required, please book your room directly with the relevant hotel as soon as possible using the keyword "Streicher Anwendertreffen". Please understand that we will not cover any accommodation costs incurred and that you will have to bear these yourself.
Hotels (PDF)